Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 16-23
The COVID 19 has forced to 150 countries to close the school libraries, according to UNECSO 84 countries have closed their public libraries and 98 countries have closed their national libraries. The college and the university libraries are also compelled to close libraries. India has ranking second largest county in term of population in the World after China. As a precautionary measure, The Union Government of India has declared the national level closed down after 22nd March, 2020 to break the chain of the COVID 19 pandemic. But the day is not far away to start the process of removing the restrictions step by step in phased manner. Hence, we the library professionals should also be prepare to reopen the libraries along with the COVID 19. We have a huge responsibility to protect the clienteles, staff and the library resources in such a pandemic situation. While reopening the library after the lock down we need to take precautionary measures to slow down and prevent the COVID 19. The author has mentioned the challenges and suggested recommendations of the libraries during post lock down period. The author has also suggesting to revise the library rules based on the recommendations and the level of the intensity of the pandemic.
Keywords: Reopening library, Library in COVID 19, COVID 19.
How to cite : Mestri D D, Reopening libraries in COVID 19 pandemic: challenges and recommendations. IP Indian J Libr Sci Inf Technol 2020;5(1):16-23
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