Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 61-63
Present paper attempts to highlights the contribution of Indian entomologists in Indian Science Abstract online database. As the ISA database is an open source, 5 years database was browsed and efforts were made to check the research papers related to entomology. As it was first attempt total 308 papers were traced. In the study few parameters were used such as orders of insects, sources of publications, papers written on different aspects and journals mostly preferred by the entomologists. In the findings it was found that entomologists mostly write research papers on the order lepidoptera and few others. In case of publications it was noticed that most papers are published in annals of plant protection and then the journal Pestology. Considering the overall picture of Indian entomologists, author would like to suggest, the effective awareness should be created among the students, researchers and faculty and also a few core journals should be subscribed in the academic colleges where the subject entomology is taught.
Keywords: Insects, Database, ISA, Users, Entomologists.
How to cite : Jadhav S L, Chikate A N, Repackaging of bibliographic database on entomology enhance access: A case study of Indian Science Abstract database. IP Indian J Libr Sci Inf Technol 2018;3(1):61-63
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