Get Permission Kumar: A libraries survey of different colleges of education with respect to facilities, usages and modernization: A college would be incomplete without a good library


An educational system of a country plays a key role in achieving the development of society. It determines the destiny of its nationals. Colleges are the first door steps towards higher education, opening new vistas of knowledge to learners and making them responsive and responsible to the problems of society. Apart from teaching the respective subjects, these are supposed to develop and sharpen the abilities of learning among students. Colleges range from small arts colleges to institutes of national importance. Among various types of colleges, the colleges of education train the future teachers to teach at school level. These aim at inculcating professional competencies among learners to enable them to shoulder the academic and social responsibility of building and developing the future scientists, doctors, researchers, engineers, etc. The effectiveness of a teaching system depends upon the teaching skills of teachers, which are acquired through teacher education programmes. Dash (2004) says, “If the teachers are well-educated and trained and if they are intellectually alive and take keen interest in their job, then only, the success is ensured, but if on the other hand, they lack training in education and if they cannot give their heart to their job, the system is destined to fail.” Over the period, education system has undergone tremendous changes and these days there has been enormous emphasis on lifelong learning. Teachers are expected not only to impart instructions to students but are required to initiate the learners in to the art of learning and inspiring them for the overall development. School education forms the base for higher education and it is at this level that a passion for learning can be created. The NationalKnowledge Commission (NKC) (2007) describes about the significance of school education that the, “School education has to be a crucial area of focus if the foundation of a knowledge based society is to be built.” Libraries are an inseparable organ of the colleges of education, meeting the intellectual curiosity of teachers and future teachers with a view to foster the capacities of comprehension and assimilation of ideas. College of education cannot accomplish their objective without libraries and libraries have no meaning if these cannot support education. In addition to supporting the educational goals of their parent institutions, libraries cultivate and maintain the reading habits among users. Moreover, if the students of colleges of education will them selves be regular users of libraries only then they can promote this habit among the school children they are going to teach in the future. Therefore, the quality academic pursuits require healthy organization of libraries to satisfy information needs of the users. The NKC (2007)states that “A library is not a building stacked with books — it is a repository and source of information and ideas, a place for learning and inquiry, and for the generation of thought and the creation of new knowledge.1, 2, 3, 4

Library occupies a very prominent place in the educational set-up. Modern changing pattern of education demands that the learning must be accelerated and broadened by the use of many and varied devices and materials. Library is an essential part of an educational institution. In a dynamic approach to teaching, it supplies enrichment materials in all fields of study. Students have to acquire reading skills and do reading activities through the libraries. While curriculum and text-book aims at providing the least common multiple of all students in a class, the library aims at bringing out the individual differences and developing special interests and aptitudes to their advantage. Civilization has progressed by virtue of specialization. Library habit creates specialists.5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Library is said to be the heart of an institution. It plays an important role in the teaching and learning process for both faculty and students. The success of one's library is determined by the strength of its library collection and the extent of use made by its clientele. Library is a place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. The library may differ in many aspects, but they all have the same objectives, and that is to support the educational and research objectives of its parent organization. Now a day, the library professionals and the larger educational communities are focusing their attention on service quality. The library responds to the challenge of technology by introducing digital library services whose objective is to widen the range of information resources available and to add value to their content by making them accessible through telecommunication networks, so that users can access them anytime and anywhere. Barbara Ruth Fuseli Kyle writes: ‘‘Library preserves knowledge so that none is lost, organise knowledge so that none is wasted, and make knowledge available so that no one need be deprived.’’

The Kothari Commission (1964-1966) recommended that a long range plan for library development should be drawn up for each academic institution taking into consideration anticipated increase in enrollment, introduction of new subjects and research needs etc., and documentation service be encouraged in libraries, and documentation experts be appointed to help researchers and do indexing and abstracting.10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Ibid. P.520.) It was further recommended that “the book selection should be oriented towards supporting instruction and research.” (Ibid). The library should “Provide resources necessary for research in fields of special interest to the university; provide library facilities and services necessary for the success of all formal programmes of instruction.”(Ibid. p.521) Monetary guidelines were also suggested by the Commission. “As a norm, a university should spend each year about Rs.25 per student registered and Rs.300 per teacher [of the total budget] depending on the stage of development of each university library.” (Ibid.). It was also suggested that “the foreign exchange needed for university and college libraries should be allowed separately to the UGC.” (Ibid. p.522.).15, 16, 17, 18, 19

The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) 2005 in its first report, recommended setting up of a National Commission on Libraries and National Mission on Libraries to conduct a survey of manpower requirements and evaluate the status of research. It also recommended establishment of a well-equipped institute for advanced training and research in LIS and services to revamp LIS education in India.

In changing pattern of today’s education, library is considered to be the most powerful media to promote self-education, to acquire information and to provide research facilities. An eminent library scientist of IndiaDr. R.K. Metal, says, ‘‘A well-equipped and well managed library is, indeed the foundation stone of modern educational structure.’’ ‘‘The modern libraries are conceived as a genuine service unit. It supplies material for developing and expanding interests.20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Through its reference tools, indexes, bibliographies, and catalogues, the realms of knowledge may be explored. The library cooperates with other agencies of instruction in helping students learn to use books and libraries, to find information, and to study, by its bulletins, exhibits, posters, and atmosphere, the library teaches informally. By its introduction to books, it suggests the life time use of reading to further any interest.’’

The continuing trend of knowledge explosion and the rapid advances in science and technology put emphasis on the use of the academic library by students to help them pursue their academic activities and gain knowledge beyond their textbooks and beyond their teachers' lectures. The library should be planned and organized to meet the needs and challenges of our rapidly advancing society especially if it speaks of quality education. In modern age there are various changes in the use of library, modern items of technology has brought a tremendous change in library. Students can put their hands on digital books and information from virtually anywhere, but the library is the main place on campus where traditional and new knowledge resources, the latest information technology, and skilled instructors converge in an ongoing process of learning, teaching, and research. Like every space on campus, the library now is being rethought and reorganized. “The changes going on in the classroom are beginning to migrate into the rest of campus. The classroom experience is moving out to other spaces so collaborative teaching and learning can happen, and the library is the paradigm,” says Stevens, partner of SHW Group, an architecture and engineering firm specializing in educational environments. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

We are in the 21st century, an age that is powered by information in all its ramifications. It is the age of information explosion in which the internet and its associated technologies are being used to take advantage of the immense knowledge of man all over the globe for the benefit of the accelerated development of society. It is the information society. Consequently, it is only a nation which is conscious of the importance of libraries and information in the drive towards the accelerated development of a nation that can survive and thrive in the comity of nations of this age. The library is central to the provision of the right type of information resources that empowers the educational institutions to produce highly resourceful people to impact positively on national development. As a result of the information society, organizations are changing and so also are the skills needed to run them and the way they utilize human capital (Opeke, 2004). It is this human capital that must be developed in our educational institutions at all levels through the use of libraries well stocked with up-to-date and relevant books including electronic libraries through which they can acquire the skills needed to access, distil and utilize information for development processes. Such people would possess the know how to access knowledge quickly and from increasingly distant locations to positively influence accelerated national development from all walks of life.

A college would be incomplete without a good library. Library forms an integral part of any college as it helps students with its vast collection of books. Any student joining a college should make it a habit to visit the library regularly. There are many students who don’t attend the library even once. Even if they do then it’s only for fun or just because his or her friends are attending it. A good library consists of subjects other than those taught in the college. There are not only books, but also newspapers and magazines. There is a common myth that libraries are only for those who are studious, but it is not so. It’s for all those who want to dive in the ocean of knowledge. Some students find it very difficult to do their studies at their homes due to various reasons. For such students' library is no less than a boon. Today when most of the students are glued to T. V channels, there is a need to inculcate reading habits in students. Such habits can be formed only when students are encouraged to join libraries. There should be compulsory few sessions in college for students to visit the library. An introductory lecture should also be given by the librarian by visiting the classes. It will help students to get fist hand information as to what is in store for them in the library. It will also generate interest and curiosity in the books.

Libraries today must find ways to optimize operations, maximize resources, enhance services and serve customers. Having access to real-world data on trends and dynamics impacting a broad spectrum of libraries means that library community leaders can conduct bench marking, manage collections, prepare budgets, choose facility sites, and make other decisions with greater insight than ever before possible. These are challenging times for libraries. Libraries are essential to the educational process because they support curricula, teach information literacy, and foster critical thinking skills. There are essential partners in creating educated communities because they provide opportunities for self-education, life-long learning and self-improvement. Most importantly, libraries are essential places of opportunity because they level the playing field making the world of information available to anyone seeking it (De Leon, 2006).

The Working Group on Libraries (WGL) set up by National Knowledge Commission (2007) has emphasized that the “existing libraries must modernize their collection, services and facilities, become more pro-active and collaborate with other institutions and agencies.” Meeting information needs of the users is the ultimate aim of libraries. Users’ demand is ever-increasing putting great pressure on libraries. All this makes job of libraries a challenging task. Hence, it becomes essential to find whether the libraries are fulfilling their objectives or not.

Need and importance of the present study

Libraries are established for the systematic collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of knowledge and information. It is very important for man to preserve and maintain the valuable knowledge and information contained in the books and documents because we want to preserve our knowledge and wisdom for the coming generations. By preserving the documents in a library this knowledge can be made available to others so that they can benefit from it. Establishment of libraries is not a new concept.

With the invention of printing press, it became easier to preserve the knowledge in the form of printed documents. This led to the generation of a large number of books. The need for the preservation and dissemination of information led to the establishment of more and more libraries. Thus libraries acquired a great importance in the civilized society for education and research. Libraries play a vital role in the development of any society by enhancing the cause of education and academic research. They cater to the information needs of thousands of people. Due to the development of Science and technology there is tremendous change in the library setups. The facilities like, INTERNET, DELNET, OPAC, EDUSAT etc. satisfying the growing needs of users, the library system has been greatly improved and upgraded to meet the new challenges. The services offered by libraries have also undergone a great change. Demands of students, faculty members are ever-increasing and putting a great pressure on the librarians. Therefore, there is an imperative need for the modernization of libraries in order to keep pace with the modern times. The new challenges in the field of Library and Information Science can be met by adopting the process of digitization and networking. In the present age the Librarians have to face many problems due to the limitations of time and space. User satisfaction is the main objective of a good library. This paper has been undertaken to ascertain the use of the resources, services and modern technologies of libraries of colleges of education by students. It is an attempt to find the users’ awareness and use of resources and services and their satisfaction with these. It will be helpful to formulate policies to fill gaps wherever needed. Library resources are very important for every literate person because all the great personalities of the world are the products of libraries not of the class-rooms.

Objectives of the study

  1. To identify library facilities available in private colleges.

  2. To identify the differences between different private colleges in relation to library facilities.

  3. To identify the differences between different private colleges in relation to usage of library facilities.

  4. To identify the modern technology used in the college libraries.

  5. To suggest measures for the improvement of library facilities, processes and usage of libraries at college level.

Major outcomes during the course of research in five difeerent colleges of education in jammu (J&K)

  1. The result reveals that majority of the students were not visiting to their college library daily and most of the student’s visit twice a week. Majority of the students generally visit their college libraries at 10-12 noon. It was found that most of students spend 2-4 hours on an average per week in their college libraries. Some students were mentioning that, due to the shortage of time and requisite books are not available in their college libraries, so they were not able to visit the college libraries daily. Few students said that class lectures and notes are sufficient for them.

  2. The result reveals that most of the students use college libraries for the purpose to borrow and return books. It was found that most of the students were using college libraries for the purpose to read books related to their subjects only. This is the positive finding during the study.Only few students were using college library for the purpose to chatting with friends. Most of the students were found to use college libraries for other purposes like reading Journals, Magazines & Newspapers.

  3. The result reveals that physical facilities were found to be good in only one college library and rest of the college libraries were not having good physical facilities. Working hours of the libraries were not adequate except only one college of education library. Only one college library was found to be good regarding number of seats and sitting arrangements. Mostly students were found to be unsatisfied with their college library environment. General facilities (ventilation, lighting, etc.) were found to be satisfactory up to some extent.

  4. It was found that general books were adequate up to some extent. It was found that use & adequacy of text books were adequate. Results also reveal that the collection of reference books and general magazines were found to be inadequate. It was found that collections of newspapers were not sufficient in most of the college libraries.

  5. Results reveal that only few students were allowed to search books on the shelves themselves. It was observed that only few students were able to found books of their own choice. Mostly students were taking help from the library staff.

  6. Results reveal that only few students were aware about book bank, lending and reservation services in the libraries. Results reveal that most of the students were aware about the photocopying service and references services. It was found that out of five (5) B.Ed. colleges only one college has photocopying facility in the library.

  7. Results reveal that only one college has generator facility, library automation, DELNET and OPAC facilities in their libraries and the rest of the colleges do not have such modern facilities. It was found that out of five colleges only one college provides computer facilities along with internet to the students in the library and rest of the colleges do not have such facilities.

  8. Results reveal that most of the students approach to the library staff for any kind of help. It was found that attitude of library staff was quite helpful. This is a positive finding during the study.

  9. Results reveal that majority of the students were not satisfied with rule and regulations of libraries. Out of five colleges of education only one college provides proper issues and return facilities of books and photocopying facilities. The students were satisfied with the charges charged for photocopies.

Suggestions for improving the library facilities

At present there are several bottlenecks for the proper development in order to cope up with emerging needs of the students. These constraints can be sorted out and the libraries must be empowered to perform their role efficiently and effectively. The following are some of the suggestions given for improvement of library usage provision of facilities in B.Ed. College Libraries of Jammu city. Some of the important suggestions regarding the B.Ed. college libraries are given below.

  1. Library automation not only saves time of the users but also avoids duplication of work. Keeping in view the different cons of the concept, a question was raised about the status of library automation. A discouraging situation was found from the study that majority of the libraries have not automated their libraries. And few libraries are still in the process of automating their libraries. Hence, it is recommended that all the libraries should automate their libraries and follow uniform standards for automation.

  2. The study indicated that all the B.Ed. colleges under the study are not having internet connectivity. Majority of the B.Ed. colleges are not having internet connection through the institutes / College Network. Hence, it is recommended that a separate connection for each and every library should be made mandatory for all the B.Ed. colleges.

  3. Latest edition of books of all specialties in sufficient numbers should be available

  4. New arrivals of all the books and periodical must be immediately displayed on the shelves.

  5. There should be proper lightening arrangement so that the books & periodicals can be easily located.

  6. Books should be arranged systematically on the shelves in classified order

  7. The library collection system should be computerized so that a reader can know about the availability of particular book in the library without the wastage of time.

  8. The library should be air-conditioned

  9. New furniture for the library should be purchased as the present furniture has become out moulded and is also not comfortable and attractive.

  10. The provision of natural light should be immediately made to an adequate level

  11. There should be proper heating arrangement during winters

  12. More number of journals is required to be subscribed

  13. Employment news and other national and international newspapers should be subscribed by the library

  14. Competitive books should be available in the library

  15. Stack area should be at a distance from the library

  16. Number of copies of mostly read and consulted books should be increased

  17. Orientation lectures should be delivered to the fresher at the beginning of each academic session.

  18. Reprographic facility should be provided

  19. The number of books issued at a time to students should be increased

  20. Library catalogue should be maintained in the library

  21. Books should be arranged in classified order in the almirahs

  22. The reading hours in the library should be increased

  23. There should be newspapers, journals and magazines proper reading facilities in the library which further help the students to complete their research work.

  24. New arrivals of the periodicals and books must be immediately displayed on the shelves

  25. There should be provision for issuing more than two books for the students at a time.

  26. The librarian should have positive attitude towards the students

  27. The out-dated and torn out books should be withdrawn from the library stock

  28. The binding of journals should be done correctly as soon as volume is completed

  29. The attitude of librarian should be democratic with all the students

  30. There should be congenial atmosphere in the library for learning and reading and provision for consulting all types of books.

  31. Drinking water facilities should be provided in the library

  32. Generator facility should be available in the library

  33. Provision of separate seating arrangements for faculty members


From the above findings it is concluded that out of five colleges of education only one college provides all types of modern facilities like library automation, computers with internet facilities, generator facility, DELNET, OPAC and photocopying facilities while other colleges are lagging behind in these areas. Regarding infrastructure facilities every college seems to be satisfactory.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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