Get Permission Vikramjeet, Parmar, and Rao: Information literacy skills among faculty members and research scholars of Central Sanskrit University, Vedavyas Campus, Balahar: A pilot study


In a report for the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science in 1974, Paul G. Zurkowski first used the term "information literacy"(Zurkowski, 1974).He highlighted a stark contrast between the literate and the illiterate, using the phrase to represent the strategies and abilities acquired by information literates who leverage a variety of data tools and primary sources in moulding information solutions to their challenges.

Locating, retrieving, processing, analyzing, presenting, storing, and disseminating information are all components of information literacy. These aren't the only factors, but they do help when it comes to building the knowledge, character traits, and self-assurance that are essential for making the most of data and making intelligent adjustments to it. Being information literate entails not only brains and awareness, but also a grasp of the moral and political questions that arise in the context of information use. Knowledge of the ethical and political considerations that arise from exploiting information is also part of this. Literacy in the information age encompasses not just the written word and the Internet, but also the spoken word, data, visuals, and sounds. Technology literacy, academic literacy, and media literacy are the three main categories of information literacy. It is not a stand-alone idea; rather, it has connections to various fields of study. Privacy, data protection, freedom of information, open access/open data, and intellectual property are all essential to comprehending information.1, 2, 3, 4

Association of College and Research Libraries defined Information Literacy as a“set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (ACRL, 2000).

Since information plays such a crucial part in the teaching and learning process, it is important that both educators and students make better use of the various information resources available to them. The open use of information is impacted by its status as a commodity with economic and legal value. Having the confidence to freely apply knowledge is a vital skill in the academic community. In order to effectively utilise information, information literacy is essential.5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Information Literacy

Literacy has typically been understood to refer to the capacity for reading and writing. However, it appears that there are numerous forms of literacy. Literacies in the areas of audiovisual media, print media, computers, media, the Internet, advanced technologies, practical application, libraries, and information are only a few examples. In contrast to this, information literacy is a distinct field of study. It incorporates these ideas yet extends beyond than any of them alone.

  1. According to ALA “Information literacy is the ability to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information”.

  2. The ability to find, retrieve, analyse, and effectively use information is referred to as "information literacy." Information literacy, on the other hand, equips people with the tools they need to become active participants in their own education and to continue learning throughout their lives.

Central sanskrit university, vedavyas campus, Kangra

Central Sanskrit University, Vedavyas Campus, Balahar, Tehsil Dehra, Distt-Kangra Himachal Pradesh is known by this name since 20th March 2020. Earlier it was known as Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University) from 2002 to February, 2020 and as Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha from September 17, 1998 to 2002. The main objectives of the campus are to preserve Sanskrit language and its multitudinous disciplines of shastri tradition to maintain an elevated standard of Guru-Shishya parampara. Keeping these objectives in view, Central Sanskrit University has embarked on various programmes for academic and administrative development. At present there are six departments like Advaita Vedanta, Jyotisha Vyakarana, Sahitya, Modern Subjects and Shiksha Shastra (B.Ed). The Campus library of University has a collection of 25750 Books, 92 Ph.D. theses, 80 Bound volumes of journals, 40 Journals 20 magazines and seven newspapers.

Review of Literature

  1. Arun and Sangeeta Gupta (2021). In their paper entitled “Information Literacy among research scholars of University of Jammu in an Electronic Environment: A Case study” revealed that educating people to use information technology is becoming an important objective in this information age, IL is very important prerequisite for academic community. The study examined the research scholars of the University of Jammu by distributing 270 semi-structured questionnaires out of which only 236 were received and revealed that users need awareness regarding the use of OPAC and in the use of Boolean Operator (AND. OR, NOT). A programme to improve information literacy should be tied to the needs of academic researchers and focus more on practical than theoretical.

  2. Majid et al,(2020) as students in Singapore were evaluated on their information literacy skills, they received an overall mean score of 52.6 percent, which is considered a "moderate" level of IL competency. Two IL abilities, "defining information task and identifying gaps in knowledge" (60.5 percent) and "internet wellness," received the highest mean scores from the students (60.1 percent). The two IL skills with the lowest scores were"selecting information sources" (47.4%) and "appraising the information process and product" (48.0%).

  3. F.Chanchinmawia et al.(2018)According to their research, the large majority of Mizoram University's research scholars have high level of computer skills (in terms of their ability to open and save print documents/files, copy/paste, and transfer files) and average skills (in terms of being able to search the library's online catalogue and browse the internet for academic articles).

  4. Awari and Krishnamurthy (2018)The purpose of their research is to assess the level of IL competence among University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad's Research Scholars. The survey found that most scholars are familiar with OPAC and prefer using general search terms to more advanced techniques like wildcards. An information literacy curriculum should emphasise the importance of learning about databases and forming consortiums.

  5. Odede and Zawedde (2018) It was proposed that information literacy is linked to the capacity to make effective use of electronic databases. In order to ensure that students effectively and competently utilise electronic information resources, universities should implement programmes like information literacy certificate programmes, workshops, seminars, and others to improve students' information literacy skills.

  6. (Tridib, 2017) It was revealed that information literacy is the ultimate way for the growth of any community that is socially and economically disadvantaged, and that the public library should offer regular information literacy programmes at regular intervals.


  1. To analyze the library usage patterns by the faculty members and research scholars of Central Sanskrit University, Vedavyas Campus, Balahar

  2. To identify the faculty members and scholars literacy abilities of Central Sanskrit University

  3. To identify the sources of users seeking information

  4. To know the awareness level about the different types of information sources and their satisfaction level among the faculty members and research scholars

  5. To identify the different information search tools and technique used by faculty and research scholars

  6. To explore the ICT literacy skills among the faculty and research scholars

  7. To determine where information literacy abilities are strong and weak among faculty and scholars and give suggestions for the enhancement.


  1. Faculty members and research scholars feel competent to identify, acquire, evaluate, manage and ethically use the information

  2. There seems to be no significant variance in competency level among academic staff and research fellows at Central Sanskrit University's Vedavyas campus

  3. Academic staff and research scholars are unable to apply advanced search technique approaches to retrieve information

Scope and Limitation

  1. Information literacy is defined in this study as the ability to find, search for, access, retrieve, and use information from both print and electronic sources in order to meet information needs. The study's primary focus is on the faculty and research scholars at Central Sanskrit University's Vedavyas Campus, Balahar.

  2. The Scope is limited to only faculty members and research scholars of Central Sanskrit University, Vedavyas Campus, Balahar.

Implications of the study

This study will help the institutions to know the faculty and scholars level of understanding and    use of library resources, and so they may aim to

  1. Courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops can raise people's consciousness on the need of information and computer literacy.

  2. Enrich the respondents with certain orientation or education or information literacy programmes.

Research methodology

  1. A closed-ended survey was prepared to acquire the essential data from the participants because it was simple for both the participants and the researcher.

  2. Population: All the Academic staff and research scholars of Vedavyas campus of Central Sanskrit University was the core population of this study.

Questionnaire design

The questionnaire was carefully constructed in order to acquire the necessary information from responders. Each component represented a statement that needed to be examined. The questionnaire was divided into four parts: 1st was demographic data, the 2nd was about identifying library use, the 3rd was all about information literacy abilities, and the 4th section was about Digital literacy skills. The language used throughout the questionnaire was basic, straight forward, and unambiguous, and it has been suited to the level of academics and research scholars. There have been 27 structured questions in all, covering the following topics: library use, search technique, the level of information they typically require, and the level and format of the information they require.

Data collection

The data has been collected through the Google form. The questionnaire has been personally instructed through phone to all the faculty members as well as research scholars who battled to grasp the questions. Collected data has been analysis by the Microsoft Excel with the help of Pivot table.

Data analysis

The questionnaire survey of study was utilized to obtain data for the study. A structured questionnaire was constructed in Google Form and distributed to 28 academic staff and 27 academic researchers at Central Sanskrit University's Vedavyas campus in order to get the information required to assess their information literacy skills. Respondents completed 44 (80.0 percent) questionnaire forms, allowing for data analysis and the attempt to deflect generalizations from the findings of the study.

Table 1

Distribution of questionnaires


Questionnaire distributed

Questionnaire Received


Faculty members




Research Scholars








Profile of the respondent

The respondents' personal profiles were examined in terms of age, gender, and educational background and the results are reported in this part.

Age wise analysis of respondents

Figure 1

Shown that 23(95.83%) of the Scholars belongs to the age group of between 26-35 years, followed by 4.16% of the age group 36-45 years. 10(50%) of Academic members belongs to the age group of between 26-35 years, followed by 8(40%) of the age group 36-45 and 1(5%) are from 46 and above. It was revealed that the majority of Research Scholars and faculty are between the ages of 26 and 35, while 40% of faculty members are between the ages of 36 and 35.

Respondent by gender

Figure 2

Shown that 34(77.27%) respondents are males with 17(85%) faculty and 17(70.73) are research scholars whereas 10(22.72%) respondents are females with 3(15%) faculty and 7(29.17%) research scholars.

Use of campus library

Figure 3

The analysis of the data revealed that about 16(36.36%) of the respondents daily visited the library. 08(40%) of the faculties visited library occasionally while 05(20.83%) of the research scholars visited library occasionally.

Purpose of library visit

Figure 4

Majority of the respondents about 24(54.55%) visited library only for the purpose of study whereas 17(38.64%) research only 2(4.54%) for preparing lecture.

Method of searching documents in library

Figure 5

shown that 22(44%) of the respondents which comprises of the 9(45%) of faculties members and about 13(54.16%) of the research scholars, Search Books Shelves directly. About 17(38.63%) of the respondents take assistant from the library staff. Only 3(6.81%) of the respondents, which includes 2(10%) of faculties and 1(4.16%) of the research scholars using OPAC.

It was revealed that only 3(6.81%) of the respondent using OPAC for searching library books. Respondents should be more aware of OPAC for searching library documents.

Information literacy skills

Figure 6

The analysis of the data revealed that majority of the respondents i.e. 77.27% (15(75%) of the faculty members and 19(79.16%) researcher) familiar with information literacy and only 22.72% respondents (5(25%) faculty members and 5(20.84%) researchers) while 5(25%) are not familiar with information literacy.

Attended library orientation and information literacy programme

Figure 7

The analysis of the data revealed that about 16(66.66%) research scholars has attended library Orientation programmes whereas half 9(45%) of the faculty members attended Library orientation. This is due to the Library's annual orientation programme, which focuses primarily on newly enrolled students. Which contributes to the low rate of faculty absences at Library orientation

Format needed information

Figure 8

Most of the research scholars about 22(91.68) are to get their needed information from the Print and digital format whereas about 15(75%) of the faculty members get their needed information from the both print and digital format. Participants were asked to rate their ability of accessing skills for Print and Digital formats respectively, in order to ascertain their ability to access information in variety of formats.

Awareness of with E-Shodhsindhu library consortium

Figure 9

The analysis of the data depicts that about 22(50%) respondents which constituted 14(70%) the faculties were aware of e-Shodhsindhu. And the 16(66.67%) of the researcher were not aware of E-Shodh Sindhu Library Consortium.

Awareness of national digital library of India

Figure 10

The analysis of the data depicts that 36(81.82%) respondents which constituted 19(95%) the faculties and about 17(70.83%) of the research scholars were aware of National Digital Library of India. About 8(18.18%) respondents which constituted 1(5%) the faculties and about 7(29.17%) of the research scholars were not aware of the NDLI.

Awareness of inflibnet services

Figure 11

The analysis of the data depicts that 22(50%) respondents which constituted 12(60%) the faculties and about 10(41.66%) of the research scholars were aware of Inflibnet Services. About 22(50%) respondents which constituted 8(40%) the faculties and about 14(58.34%) of the research scholars were not aware of Inflibnet Services.

Most efficient tools for locating basic information

Figure 12

In order to find the most information tools in the best choice for locating basic background information the researchers had established four parameters i.e. Book, Encyclopedia, Bibliography and Journal. The responders were asked to provide their response based on the stated parameter.It is observed that Books and Journals about 14(70%) of the most effective tools for locating basic background information for the faculty members and books about 11(45.84%) for research scholars to locating basic background information.

Best place to look for a broad introduction to a topic

The researcher designed five options to choose from in order to determine the respondent's ability to seek a wide introduction to a subject such as "Climate Change."

Figure 13

The analysis of the data depicts that about 4(20%) of the faculty members and 5(20.83%) of the research scholars opted for books to seek a wide introduction to a subject such as ‘Climate change’. Follow by about 4(20%) of the faculty about 2(8.33%) of the researchers opted for Encyclopedia to seek for a broad introduction. About 3(15%) of the faculty members and 06(25%) of research scholars opted they don’t know how to look for a broad introduction. Most of about 10(41.67) of the research scholars and only 3(15%) of the faculty members opted for journal article. Whereas the 6(30%) faculty members and only 1(4.17%) of the research scholars when looking for a broad introduction chose video as the correct answer. choose video which is the correct answer to look for a broad introduction. It was found that the majority of respondents knew they could locate the topic they needed in the library. Additionally, roughly one-fourth of the respondents don't know how to search, therefore the respondents need to develop their broad topic search abilities.

Familiar with the copyright and IPR act

Figure 14

shown that 16(80%) of the faculty members are familiar with copyright and IPR act, while the remaining 4(20%) are not familiar with copyright and IPR act. Also, about 18(75%) of the research scholars are familiar with copyright and IPR act whereas about 6(25%) are not familiar with copyright and IPR act. It was discovered that the majority of teachers and researchers are familiar with copyright and the IPR Act.

Search engine preferred to search information

Figure 15

To determine the preferred search engine for information, respondents were given four parameters: Google, AltaVista, Bing, and Yahoo,, Duck Duck Go, and Yahoo. The respondents were asked to select their favourite search, as shown in the Table. The table study shows that over 44 (100%) of faculty members and research researchers use Google search engine to find information.

Technique used for searching digital information

Figure 16

The data analysis showed that about 11(55%) of faculty members and nearly 18(75%) of research scholars use a simple keyword for searching digital information, whereas 9(45%) of faculty members and 6(25%) research scholars use field Search, such as Title, Author, URL, and so on. Respondents were not aware of Boolean and truncation searching techniques.

Rating computer literacy skills

Figure 17

Rating internet literacy skills

Figure 18

Major finding of the study are as given below

  1. It was revealed that about majority of the respondents 75% belonged to the age group of between 26-35.

  2. Out of 44 respondents 72.27% (17(85%) faculty and 17(70.73) are research scholars whereas 10(22.72%) respondents are females with 3(15%) faculty and 7(29.17%) research scholars.

  3. It was revealed that about 16(36.36%) of the respondents daily visited the library. About 13(29.14%) which is 8(40%) of the faculty and 5(20.83% of research scholars occasionally visited the library and 10(22.74%) visited on monthly basis. Only 5(11.36%) visited the library weekly.

  4. As regards the purpose to visit library the majority of faculty and researcher 24(54.55%) visited library for study purpose and about 17(38.64%) for research purpose.

  5. 22(44%) of the respondents which comprises of the 9(45%) of faculties members and about 13(54.16%) of the research scholars, Search Books Shelves directly. About 17(38.63%) of the respondents take assistant from the library staff. Only 3(6.81%) of the respondents, which includes 2(10%) of faculties and 1(4.16%) of the research scholars using OPAC. It was revealed that only 3(6.81%) of the respondent using OPAC for searching library books. Respondents should be more aware of OPAC for searching library documents.

  6. Majority of the respondents i.e. 77.27% (15(75%) of the faculty members and 19(79.16%) researcher) familiar with information literacy and only 22.72% respondents (5(25%) faculty members and 5(20.84%) researchers) while 5(25%) are not familiar with information literacy.

  7. It was noted that 66.66% research scholars has attended library Orientation programmes whereas half 9(45%) of the faculty members attended Library orientation.

  8. Most of the research scholars about 22(91.68) are to get their needed information from the Print and digital format whereas about 15(75%) of the faculty members get their needed information from the both print and digital format.

  9. The analysis of the data depicts that about 22(50%) respondents which constituted 14(70%) the faculties were aware of e-Shodhsindhu. And the 16(66.67%) of the researcher were not aware of E-Shodh Sindhu Library Consortium.

  10. 81.82% respondents which constituted 19(95%) the faculties and about 17(70.83%) of the research scholars were aware of National Digital Library of India. About 8(18.18%) respondents which constituted 1(5%) the faculties and about 7(29.17%) of the research scholars were not aware of the NDLI.

  11. The analysis of the data depicts that 22(50%) respondents which constituted 12(60%) the faculties and about 10(41.66%) of the research scholars were aware of Inflibnet Services. About 22(50%) respondents which constituted 8(40%) the faculties and about 14(58.34%) of the research scholars were not aware of Inflibnet Services.

  12. The analysis of the data depicts that about 4(20%) of the faculty members and 5(20.83%) of the research scholars opted for books to seek a wide introduction to a subject such as ‘Climate change’. Follow by about 4(20%) of the faculty about 2(8.33%) of the researchers opted for Encyclopedia to seek for a broad introduction. About 3(15%) of the faculty members and 06(25%) of research scholars opted they don’t know how to look for a broad introduction. Most of about 10(41.67) of the research scholars and only 3(15%) of the faculty members opted for journal article. Whereas the 6(30%) faculty members and only 1(4.17%) of the research scholars when looking for a broad introduction chose video as the correct answer.

  13. 16(80%) of the faculty members are familiar with copyright and IPR act, while the remaining 4(20%) are not familiar with copyright and IPR act. Also, about 18(75%) of the research scholars are familiar with copyright and IPR act whereas about 6(25%) are not familiar with copyright and IPR act. It was discovered that the majority of teachers and researchers are familiar with copyright and the IPR Act.

  14. Almost 100% of faculty members and research researchers use Google search engine to find information.

  15. 11(55%) of faculty members and nearly 18(75%) of research scholars use a simple keyword for searching digital information, whereas 9(45%) of faculty members and 6(25%) research scholars use field Search, such as Title, Author, URL, and so on. Respondents were not aware of Boolean and truncation searching techniques.


In the current era of ICT, information literacy is an essential requirement for the academic community since the skills and abilities are the primary factors that enable students to retrieve the relevant information from the right source without wasting time. In light of the fact that this field encompasses a wide range of sub-disciplines, it is essential for instructors and students to acquire the information literacy skills that will enable them to efficiently search for, discover, analyse, and apply the pertinent data. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that user-oriented IL programmes are periodically organised and that concerns like how to acquire information from electronic sources, different search techniques, use and advantage of keywords and Boolean operators are effectively addressed.The library may incorporate e-resource evaluation into its information literacy programmes. It's remarkable how information literacy programmes can't be organised without library resources, services, buildings, and staff.

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Received : 19-10-2022

Accepted : 24-11-2022

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